Water quality monitoring system of Online TN Analyzer – HATN-2000
Online TN Analyzer, HATN-2000, is a measuring equipment that quantifies total nitrogen by using the UV absorption spectrophotometry method. By oxidizing various nitrogenous compounds...
Water quality monitoring system of Online BOD Analyzer – HABS-2000
The Online Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)-type BOD Analyzer, HABS-2000, is continuous and automatic BOD measuring equipment that uses MFC, which is the first source...
Water quality monitoring system of Online COD Analyzer – HACA-3000
Manganese-type Online COD Analyzer, HACA-3000, is measuring equipment that automated the Standard Water Pollutant Testing Method. HACA-3000 has a simple configuration that has adopted...
Water quality monitoring system of Online COD Analyzer – HACA-2000
Electrochemical-type Online COD Analyzer, HACA-2000, quantifies COD from the amount of current that is generated from oxidizing organic matter by using voltammetry method. The...
Water quality monitoring system of Online TOC Analyzer – HATA-4000
UV Persulphuric Acid Oxidation-type Online Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer, HATA-4000, is a measuring equipment that has automated the Continuous Automatic TOC Measuring Method...
Water quality monitoring system of Online TP Analyzer – HATP-3000
The HATP-3000 is an automatic measuring instrument for ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy of the water pollution test method. In the pretreatment step, potassium persulfate is injected...
Water quality monitoring system of Online TN Analyzer – HATN-3000
HATN-3000 is an automatic measuring instrument for ultraviolet / visible spectroscopy of water pollution test method. In the pretreatment step, alkaline potassium persulfate is...
Water quality monitoring system of Online TP Analyzer – HATP-4000
HATP-4000 is a measuring instrument that automates the ultraviolet / visible spectroscopy (thermal oxidation method) of the water pollution test method. In the pretreatment...
Water quality monitoring system of Online TN Analyzer – HATN-4000
HATN-4000 is a measuring instrument that automates the ultraviolet / visible spectroscopy (thermal oxidation method) of the water pollution test method. In the pretreatment...
Water quality monitoring system of Online COD Analyzer – HACA-4000
HACA-4000 is a measuring instrument that automates potassium permanganate method of water pollution test method. The potassium permanganate method measures the COD by adding...